Thank you K-DESIGN AWARD INTERNATIONAL for inviting me to be a member of the jury!

The judging committee consists of competent and experienced teaching staffs and active designers, who were recruited fairly through an open recruitment for judges held by the K-Design Award. This was intended to secure fairness under the dimensions of K-Design Award in addition to provide highly reliable selective standard through experts of various fields, in terms of theories and practical experiences. The order of screening will go by the judges selecting the nominees and placing works in rank basedon their order of preference. The choices and decisions made by judges of different backgrounds will undergo a phase of persuasion about the nominees and order of ranks will be marked through a fair way for the awarded works. This order of judgment requires a distinct judging device that is used exclusively in K-Design Award so it may be a rather difficult and effort taking judging procedure.However it needs to be endured to provide reliability and satisfaction during the submission and awarding procedures.
Only 1% amongst the submitted works will be crowned with the honor of receiving a gold prize. We have to clarify thatit is not a contest exhibition which only strives for awards. Extensive award domain has not been applied in order to strive for the most authoritative and fair design contest exhibition. This is intended to break away from meaningless awards and certify works that are acknowledged by everyone. For fair judgment, the judges of ‘K-Design Award’ abide the principle of not choosing submitted works from the same affiliation as the judging committee. This is the only limitation enforced to prevent unfair screening. Additionally, verification procedures will be executed by the jury, who is granted tacit rights of inspection by means of authority. ‘Fairness’ is the core value K-Design Award considers as the most important. It is true that unfair judging is common in the field of design contest exhibitions in the world. Then, how can we create clean and fair contest exhibitions? Accordingly, we thought of the ranking system with a foreman of the jury and a jury system. We are planning to do our best to prevent irregularities and designate 8 judges and have the foreman of the jury indicate the ranking on the judges. In a case where a professor is amongst the judges, they cannot select the works of their students.
“Through this, fair judging process can be optimized.”
審査委員会は、有能で経験豊富な、教授と世界で活躍する デザイナー で構成されています。これは様々な分野の専門家により、信頼性の高い審査基準を提供し、理論と実践的な経験の観点から、公正性を確保することを意図したものです。選別は、審査員が候補者を選択し、作品をランク付けるようになっています。さまざまな背景を持つ審査員による選択と決定、協議により、受賞作品が決められます。この審査の体制は、Kデザイン賞で独自に使用されている明確な判定手段であり、審査プロセスは労力を要します。提出された作品の中で金賞の名誉に輝くのは、わずか1%に過ぎません。この賞は、最も権威のある、また公正なデザインコンテストであり、無意味な賞から一線を画し、誰もが認める作品を認定することを意図しています。公正な審査のために「Kデザイン賞」の審査員は、審査委員と同じ所属から提出された作品を選ぶことはできないという原則を遵守します。不公平な選別を防ぐために施行される最適な制限です。「公平性」はKデザイン賞の中核となる価値であり、最も重要であると考えています。