- 神戸六甲サロン優花
- 業 種:ウェディングブーケのオリジナル 押し花額オーダー
- 工事種別:内外装改装
- 工 期:約1ヶ月
- 坪数:15坪
The Kobe kitano area is an outstanding venue of high density Wedding related spaces and services such as churches and wedding halls and shops. This project occupies the ground floor of a new apartment building transforming it into a distinctive shop of wedding bouquets and related goods.
Correspondingly to its theme, the design features a white space, reminding the wedding atmosphere. To highlight the whiteness of this space, the main bouquet displays are delicately illuminated internally. Moreover, the wall behind the reception and register counter was decorated by a specially designed mosaic tiles pattern featuring the shop’s logo in its center.


店名 | 神戸六甲サロン優花 |
所在地 | 〒657-0038 兵庫県神戸市灘区深田町2-1-21 |
TEL | 078-201-8811 |
営業時間 | 11:00~17:00 |
定休日 | 毎週水曜日 第1・3木曜日 |
WEB | WEBサイト |