- 回転寿司マリンポリス( 兵庫県 神崎郡 )
- 業 種:寿司店
- 工事種別:増築工事
- 工 期:約3ヶ月
- 坪数:【増築部分】20.3坪(67.15m2)
回転寿司 マリンポリスの 増築 計画。リーズナブルな価格で 寿司 を提供する既存 回転寿司 棟に対し、こちらの別邸と名付けた増築棟では本館の 回転寿司 とは違ったメニューを提供し、顧客層の拡大を狙う。構造は木造平屋建、エキスパンションジョイントにて異種構造となる鉄骨既存棟と連結。
An extension work to a sushi-go-round restaurant. The old building is for sushi at reasonable prices, while the new extension building is for relatively high-class dishes and wines. According to our cost and performance considerations, we decided to build the extension with wood since the new building is one-storied and smaller than the old one in scale.
We avoided connecting the two buildings due to the iron frame of the old one. Instead, to connect the buildings, Expansion joints were used for the approach to the extension building as shown in the photo.
The extension building, which accentuates the sushi served at the old building. In fact, the sushi sales have been increased. This restaurant with two different dining spaces has entertained a diverse range of customers, including families, couples and business people for various occasions.


店名 | 回転寿司マリンポリス |
所在地 | 〒679-2204 兵庫県神崎郡福崎町西田原1653−1 |
TEL | 0790-22-7258 |
営業時間 | 11:00~21:30 |
WEB | WEBサイト |